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Esp8266 Flash Tool For Mac: Program Your ESP8266 Devices with Arduino IDE

If you have Python installed you can install from PyPI: pip install esp-flasher.Start the GUI by esp_flasher. Alternatively, you can use the command line interface ( type esp_flasher -h for info)

The power supplied to the device is one of the most important elements for both flashing the device and for stable operation. You must ensure that the device receives sufficient power (current AND appropriate voltage level) to properly flash the firmware on the device.

Esp8266 Flash Tool For Mac

If you're intimidated by soldering there are 3D printed jigs available for different modules and devices. At worst, you could get away with holding the headers tightly with jumper wires in pin holes during flashing but it is not a foolproof process and flashing might fail.

Each device has its pins labelled differently. If the labelling isn't visible on the PCB please refer to the devices flashing guide or search the Internet for correct pin locations. Device specific instructions and restrictions are documented in the Tasmota Supported Devices Repository. Pinouts for commonly used Wi-Fi modules are found here

You can test whether your device is in Programming Mode by attempting to read information from the ESP82xx chip. This requires Instructions on installing and using esptool are provided below. For example (COM5 will be your COM port):

Leave Erase before flashing checked if it is the first time flashing Tasmota on the device or you're experiencing issues with the existing flash and need to do a full erase. If you're upgrading an already flashed Tasmota and wish to keep your settings, uncheck Erase before flashing.

Esptool uses the serial interface to communicate with your device. On Windows these interfaces are named COM1, COM2, etc. and on Linux they are named /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, etc. Before using esptool, make sure you know which serial port your programming adapter is connected to.

Backup the current firmware with the following command: --port COM5 read_flash 0x00000 0x100000 fwbackup.bin When the command completes the device is not in programming mode anymore. Repeat the process of putting your device in programming mode.

If you flashed the device using serial-to-USB adapter (or it is a NodeMCU/D1 mini) you can take advantage of the existing connection and configure your device over the serial connection using Commands.

This instructable will focus on giving you the knowledge to flash ESP8266 based micro-controllers with the WLED library. The main focus will be on the ESP-01 module or the NodeMCU module as I have tested the process on them, but a variety of modules should work. Aircoookie recommends the Wemos D1 mini from WLED version 0.10.0+.

To flash your micro-controller with WLED, you will require a computer with a flashing tool. For this instructable we will be using a Windows machine with the Tasmotizer flashing tool, but you can achieve the same with Mac & Tasmotizer or other flashing tools like Esptool.

As previously mentioned, I will be focusing on getting the ESP-01 module or a NodeMCU flashed with WLED in this instructable. In this step, we will be preparing the ESP-01 module. In the next step, the NodeMCU.

I've made an instructable for flashing an ESP-01 board using Tasmota and Tasmotizer. The instructable can be found at this link. The process of flashing the ESP-01 board using WLED is exactly the same, but we substitute Tasmota with WLED.

The process of flashing a micro-controller should be very similar with minor changes depending on the configuration. For instance, you should be able to flash some of the following micro-controllers using this method:

Now that your device is flashed, you can disconnect it and connect it to power. In the case that you used an ESP-01 module, remember to boot it in "normal mode" and not "Flash mode". In the next step, we will configure your micro-controller to connect to your home WiFi network.

To flash the MicroPython firmware on the ESP8266 follow the steps below to use the excellent script on any platform, or on Windows the GUI nodemcu-flasher tool. Before continuing make sure you have a firmware-combined.bin file that was compiled or downloaded using the steps on the previous page!

The flasher is a simple Python script that can flash firmware to an ESP8266 board. This tool is great for running on a platform like Mac OSX, Linux, or Windows. If you're on Windows you might consider a GUI-tool like nodemcu-flasher though--see the steps further below for more details.

To install the esptool script you just need to clone the source for it. Inside a terminal navigate to a directory you'd like to keep the source code and run the following commands to download the source and change into its directory:

To flash the firmware of an ESP8266 with the compiled MicroPython firmware first make sure you have the firmware-combined.bin file copied in to the directory you're working from (the esptool folder).

When you're ready to flash the firmware, first put the ESP8266 into its programming mode. With the Huzzah ESP breakout do this by holding the GPIO0 button and pressing the reset button, then releasing reset and finally releasing GPIO0. With a bare ESP8266 breakout you'll want to follow instructions like these to manually pull the GPIO0 pin low and reset the board.

Where SERIAL_PORT_NAME is the name of the serial port the ESP8266 is connected to (like COM4, /dev/ttyUSB0, etc.) and firmware-combined.bin is the path to the firmware-combined.bin file that was compiled earlier (if you've copied it to the same directory as then you're all set with the command above, otherwise put in the full path to the file).

Congratulations, you've loaded the MicroPython firmware on the ESP8266! In the future if you'd like to load the firmware again you can repeat the process above to put the ESP8266 into programming mode and run to upload code.

The nodemcu-flasher tool is a nice little GUI tool to flash firmware to the ESP8266. Follow the steps below to load the firmware-combined.bin file on to your ESP8266 board. Before you get started make sure the ESP8266 is connected to your computer using a serial to USB cable!

To flash the firmware click the Config tab at the top and change the first line from nodemcu firmware to our custom MicroPython firmware-combined.bin file. Click the gear icon next to the 0x00000 offset and navigate to the firmware-combined.bin file location. You should see a configuration like follows:

Now go back to the Operation tab at the top and verify the right COM port is selected for your ESP8266 board. When you're ready to flash the firmware, first put the ESP8266 into its programming mode. With the Huzzah ESP breakout do this by holding the GPIO0 button and pressing the reset button, then releasing reset and finally releasing GPIO0. With a bare ESP8266 breakout you'll want to follow instructions like these to manually pull the GPIO0 pin low and reset the board. Then click Flash to flash the firmware! You should see the progress bar move as the firmware is flashed:

Congratulations, you've loaded the MicroPython firmware on the ESP8266! In the future if you'd like to load the firmware again you can repeat the process above to put the ESP8266 into programming mode and run nodemcu-flasher to upload code.

Make sure you are running a recent desktop Chrome or Edge browser and head over to the installer site!If you are updating an existing version of WLED, make sure to uncheck "Clean install" so that your settings are kept.This installer is not yet available for ESPs with flash chips smaller than 4MB (e.g. ESP01)

Hold both buttons down, plug it in, start flashing, then when it tries to detect, let go of the button to the left of the USB as you look at it, then when it detects the board type, let go of the other button.

If running Windows, you need a driver from here: _driver.html before your computer will show the COM port in ESPhome Flasher. With a Wemos D1 mini you do not need to hold down the reset button while flashing.

You will actually only need 4 files for the upgrade, I would suggest that you copy and paste those files into your esptool directory from the downloaded bin/ directory. cd into your esptool directory and run the following commands to upgrade the firmware.

GPIO0, GPIO2 should be high at startup for running code.GPIO0 should be low, GPIO2 should be high at at startup for flashing firmware.GPIO15 should be low all the time.Also these pins are not ideal for switching things.

Using ESP8266 V2 Development board, Due to (LuaLoader) coding error hanged the board and no reponse, unable to communicate even. Need to find the right firmware from which can be program use of LuaLoader and flash it. Seek directions sir!

I have bought your Book and two NODEMCU-V09 Devkits. Power supply: 5Vdc/2A. I have succeeded to flash them (nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin) But to load some Scripts with the Esplorer is not possible. I am receiving only these answers:*************************++++PORT OPEN 9600

I purchased your book and was able to get my esp8266 up and running. I had the 2 leds controlled by the web working for about 30 minutes then it stopped working and the blue light has come on and stayed on. I have ben able to flash it but when i try to connect to it all i get is garbage characters back. This has happened on 2 esp8266. They work then after 30 minutes or so they seem to freeze up. Any help would be great.Thanks

Hi Can you please post the log message from the NodeMCU flasher (in the log tab).Probably it might be write or address timeout.Address timeout is generally because of the wrong configurations.

Hi Rui,I am new to the ESP8266 and using Wifi related applications. Is it possible to use the esp8266 and an dht22 to send temperature data continiously to a Tablet (without a browser refresh) (android) and to see the data in real temp and as a graph? Must I have a router or the Internet involved? I thought this sketch might work but I think I Need the SSID of my Internet modem and router for it to work.. 2ff7e9595c

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