In the early phases of the war, Russia aimed to pin down Ukrainian air defenses around the country by conducting ballistic and cruise missile strikes across the country, including Kh-101 cruise missiles deployed from Tu-95 Bear and Tu-160 Blackjack bombers flying in Russian and Belarusian airspace.16 The Russian air force then expanded its target list to include Ukrainian military infrastructure, arms shipments from the West, fuel facilities, bridges, and even civilian targets. Russia launched more than 1,100 missiles at Ukrainian targets over the first 21 days of the war and a total of 2,125 missiles over the first 68 days of the war.17
Thousands of U.S. paratroopers died during their drop behind enemy lines at Utah Beach, having been shot out of the sky by enemy fire or weighed down and drowned in flooded marshlands. Many also missed their landing spots, as did the seaborne forces, which landed more than a mile from their intended destination, thanks to strong currents.
Oh No! More Invaders From Space download
While the presence of genetic variation among and within introduced populations is well documented, less research has addressed how the control of invasive populations, or restoration of invaded landscapes, could take advantage of this genetic structure. If invader impacts vary across space, then managers might benefit from prioritizing control efforts on the most aggressive populations (Lankau et al. 2011). On the other hand, restoration efforts may be most successful in areas where the per-capita impact of the invader is relatively low. Knowledge of the trait variation across a landscape may also inform the most successful management interventions. For instance, genetic differentiation among invasive California wild radish (Raphanus sativus) in response to climatic gradients has resulted in different sensitivities to demographic transitions, such that the optimal life-stage for management differs among the populations (Ridley and Ellstrand 2010).
Alliaria petiolata is one of the most widespread invaders of forest understories in the northeast and Midwestern United States. Its success has been attributed to several factors, including the production of secondary compounds with allelopathic effects on other plants and soil microbes (Rodgers et al. 2008). These novel compounds may be especially effective in the introduced range owing to the naivety of soil microbes (Callaway et al. 2008; Barto et al. 2010a). A number of studies have investigated the allelopathic and/or soil-mediated impacts of this species and found variable results ranging from strong (Roberts and Anderson 2001; Stinson et al. 2006) to relatively weak (Burke 2008) to neutral effects (McCarthy and Hanson 1998). These differences may derive in part from variation among populations in their investment to allelochemicals. Lankau et al. (2009) found lower allelochemical concentrations in A. petiolata root tissue in individuals derived from older source populations when grown in a common environment, suggesting that invasive populations tend to reduce investment to allelopathy over time. In a greenhouse study, A. petiolata individuals with higher concentrations of a putative allelochemical (glucosinolates) had greater impacts on soil communities and native tree seedlings (Lankau et al. 2009; Lankau 2011b). Analysis of neutral molecular markers suggested that this pattern was not because of genetically distinct invasions occurring at different times, as there was no relationship between estimated population age and genetic relatedness (Lankau et al. 2009), and there was no relationship between invasion age and 15 soil abiotic variables in a different study (Lankau 2011a). Of course, invasive spread is rarely uniform in space, and populations may be established both along a spreading edge and via propagules from older populations. Additionally, the evolutionary processes resulting in decreased allelochemical concentrations will also not proceed uniformly in all populations. Nevertheless, while invasion history is not a perfect predictor of allelochemical concentrations (explaining about 30% of the variation in chemical traits, Lankau et al. 2009), geographic variation in glucosinolate concentrations among A. petiolata populations, due in part to different invasion histories, could lead to variable impacts on native species across a landscape.
Oak seedlings grown and planted in live soil plugs grew better than those in sterilized plugs when the surrounding A. petiolata individuals were removed, but this pattern reversed in the presence of the invader. As the live soil inoculums likely included pathogens as well as mutualists, the presence of A. petiolata may have shifted the balance of the inocula to net pathogenic. Additionally, seedlings grown with mycorrhizal fungi may have had altered root development (Hetrick 1991). If the fungal symbionts were reduced by the presence of A. petiolata in the field, the altered root morphology could have left these seedlings at a disadvantage. Finally, the cost/benefit balance of mycorrhizae may have been altered if the presence of A. petiolata reduced the abundance of mycorrhizal fungal hyphae in soil but left behind the carbon sinks on plant roots. This pattern is opposite to that seen for arbuscular mycorrhizal infection, in which precolonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) protected a native annual from the allelopathic effects of A. petiolata (Barto et al. 2010b). Barto et al. (2010a) concluded that the allelopathic effects of A. petiolata are likely due to independent effects on plant and mycorrhizal fungal growth prior to the development of the symbiosis. It may be that ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) do not provide the same protective effect or that the pattern in my study was driven more by interference with continuing colonization postplanting rather than the alteration in symbioses developed prior to planting.
Surprisingly, soils collected from A. petiolata removal plots led to lower ectomycorrhizal colonization when used to inoculate greenhouse grown seedlings, although this difference did not translate into lower growth of seedlings in those soils. It is also possible that A. petiolata shifts the composition, as well as the abundance, or ECM communities, as has been seen for arbuscular mycorrhizal communities (Burke 2008) and fungal communities in general (Callaway et al. 2008), and this effect may be as or more important than total ECM colonization on seedling growth.
Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation in invader traits may be useful to the management of many invaders. Comparisons of quantitative traits are often made between introduced and native populations, to study postintroduction evolution in growth, herbivore resistance, etc (Blair and Wolfe 2004; Joshi and Vrieling 2005; Lavergne and Molofsky 2007; Keller and Taylor 2008; van Kleunen and Fischer 2008; Barney et al. 2009). These experiments typically also provide data on the among population genetic variation within introduced ranges, which could be harnessed to tailor regionally or locally specific management strategies. Additionally, there may be predictable changes in invasive populations through time, both because of evolution within the invasive species and because of adaptation and acclimation in native species (Carroll et al. 2005; Siemann et al. 2006; Strauss et al. 2006; Strayer et al. 2006). While more research is necessary before general recommendations can be made, management priorities (for instance, invasive removal versus native planting) may vary consistently in older versus newly invaded sites.
I received a pressing invitation from Mr Tomkins to visit his "small and 'appy family," as he was pleased to call it, on any evening after eight o'clock, which was his latest business hour. "Mrs Jehu," I was assured, "was just like her father, and his four small Jehus as exactly like their grandfather, and he wished to say no more for them. After business his family enjoyed invariably a little spiritual refreshment, and that and a hymn made the time pass very agreeably till supper-time at nine, when he had a 'ot collation, at which he should be most proud to see me."
The writers of fashionable novels may be divided, as to their social positions, into the tolerated fashionable novel writers, and the intolerable fashionable novel writers; the first, moving in phases more or less equivocal round their centre and their deity, the exclusive set; the last, desperate from the fact of their total and permanent exclusion from society, but still moving round the outside of the boundary wall, and peeping through chinks in the palings. From the former we have the eulogistic, from the latter the depreciatory fashionable novels; these make us familiar with the celestial attributes of countesses-dowager, and the amiability of their pugs. They are slavering, servile, self-degrading productions, and only serve the exclusives as provocatives to laughter; they are usually written by tutors, ladies who have married tutors, or superannuated governesses, patronized by some charitable member of some distinguished family.
The fact is, opportunity of observation will do little or nothing without faculty of observation: though the whole social world, old or new, lay bare under the eyes of some men, not one idea could they extract from it; and who, wanting also the descriptive power, still more rare, fail in any attempt to give to the world the results of their experience.
Then, sir, we shall hear no more of the bread and cheese and onions, pot-house scores, and low company, with which you have so unceremoniously taxed our lordship. You will drive your jumped-up coach, with your awkward wives and dowdy daughters, and your tawdry liveries, all the way from Russell Square to the Green Park, to catch the chance of a glimpse of our lordship. You find out from our lordship's footman that our lordship wears a particular collar to his coat, and you will move heaven and earth to find out our lordship's tailor. When you apply to him to make a coat in our lordship's style, our tailor, who sees at a glance that you are not fit to be his customer, will tell you with an air, that he "declines to execute." 2ff7e9595c